Top 10k strings from Prestel 4 - Newsflash (19xx)(Prestel Tapezine).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 h;"Page ";a/h
   1 h;"NEWSFLASH"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 - Q to Quit":
   1 "not remove the current items,   and you can travel backwards in time through the earlier news   like a newspaper's archives. Thesame applies to the letters, nowupdated twice a week by popular demand."
   1 "PRESTEL4"
   1 "  This is free to you, but coststhe information provider 3p. As you are generally doing him a   service or ordering goods, it ischeap enough. You can also spendmoney without a response frame, by downloading software perhaps.":
   1 "  This is another feedback area,as users are invited to send in news stories of their own. I    check the news pages daily, of- ten reading about a new product launched days before Chris gets around to forwarding the press  invitation in my post!"
   1 "  One of the great advantages ofnetting is the up-to-the-minute micro news. The net is ahead of all the mags, even the weeklies,and to symbolise this, I have   chosen an item I fully expect tobe still current by the time youread it!"
   1 "  Most of these opportunities totake part do not use Mailbox but'response frames', which are a- vailable on all the Prestel com-puters. A response frame is justa page that lets you write on itand then tranmits itself to the information provider concerned."
   1 "  Most of the 'Information Pro- viders' have a 'what's new' pagelisting their recent additions. On Micronet this includes new   software, letters and updates ofregular features. Updating does":
   1  send in news stories of their own. I    check the news pages daily, of- ten reading about a new product launched days b